Thursday, April 6, 2017


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was without form nor void....
creativity is man's inherent ability to think, analyse and conceptualize idea.
take advantage of your.
its DIBz Africa..... creativity at its best

DIBz Africa;
A fashion house established for the main  purpose to empower the youths in Nigeria and abroad through fashion, also known for renowned wares and styles and its ability to think in and out of the box to give you amazing designs that will make you walk, move and talk in confidence, they are bent on giving you the best outfits ever in #Ankara grand style.
Soon to hit every big city in Nigeria,

Now coming up with its first ever fashion show to show case not just there ability to bring out amazing designs but also they are giving opportunities to other amazing designers out there to show case there amazing outfits, models needed, ushers needed, contact us, contact available below.
Also not just outfits,its giving avenues for other talented young stars out there to show case there hand made shoes, bags, you name it,its going to be lit, #sleek#fleek on the go.
For more inquiries: +2348132010014, +2348134563792, +2349022732142
all details available at the above flyer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Are they coming for Donald Trump? Top Republican claims Flynn was the appetizer - Kellyanne will be next and Trump is 'the main course'

Devin Nunes suggested those leaking dirt about Trump administration officials could come after Kellyanne Conway (left) next, followed by Steve Bannon (center) and then chief of staff Reince Priebus (right) 

Is there a conspiracy inside Washington to destroy Trump's inner circle? That is what a top republican is claiming... Read the report from UK Daily Mail below...
One Republican lawmaker is saying he sees a pattern in the leaks that brought down President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Speaking to national security columnist Eli Lake of Bloomberg View, Rep. Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, suggested that Flynn may be just be the beginning of Trump's inner circle fallen by enemies within the U.S. government.
'First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus,' Nunes told the right-of-center Lake, who then referred to Flynn as the 'appetizer' and the president as 'the entree.'

 One of the most notable things about the Flynn fall-from-grace story, Lake pointed out, was the fact that the contents of his conversation with Russian Amb. Sergey Kislyak were clearly monitored by the government, and then, so easily got out.

At the time, Flynn was the incoming National Security Advisor, but his correspondence was seemingly monitored by the FBI or the NSA, Lake wrote.
'It's very rare that reporters are ever told about government-monitored communications of U.S. citizens, let alone senior U.S. officials,' Lake wrote.
Later he added, 'Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets.' 
Not in this case, however, which caused Nunes to suggest that something really didn't smell right. 
'There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration,' Nunes told the Bloomberg View columnist. 
'From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern,' Nunes said. 
Days after Trump conversed with foreign leaders, embarrassing details have leaked out, including that the president had to ask aides about a nuclear arms treaty, while on the phone with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and that he and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had a fraught back-and-forth over an Obama era refugee resettlement plan.
On Friday, one of Flynn's top deputies, Robin Townley, was denied a security clearance from the CIA, Politico reported, citing two unnamed sources, which prevented Townley from serving on the National Security Council.  
Nunes told Lake he planned to ask the FBI to investigate the Flynn leak and find out if the outgoing national security advisor was the target of a law enforcement investigation. The Washington Post previously reported that Flynn was not being looked at by the FBI. 
The New York Times reported that Flynn did have a conversation with the FBI over his  conversation with the Kremlin representative, as they were concerned he didn't tell them the whole truth. 
 Lake pointed out that there were a number of places investigators could turn in sniffing out Flynn's, and the administration's, adversaries.
 'Flynn was a fat target for the national security state,' the columnist wrote. 'He had cultivated a reputation as a reformer and a fierce critic of the intelligence community leaders he once served with when he was the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama.'
The Bloomberg columnist suggested the Flynn leak could be over partisan politics as well. 
He reminded readers that Flynn became a national name when he spoke onstage at last summer's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, on the heels of being rumored to be Trump's veep.   
'He was also a fat target for Democrats,' Lake wrote. 

Big Brother Nigeria housemates engage in another kissing contest (photos/video)

The Housemates spent time in the jacuzzi last night and had another session of kissing contest. Watch the video after the cut.

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Earn 40% of your provide wealth in 30 days -

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Wealth Exchange has just launched one the most organized Mutual Aid / Crowd Funding / Donation Exchange / Social Financial Platform, This system is designed to stand the test of time with innovative features which will be discussed here.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and become a pioneer member of the platform by simple clicking here -

So many of us are yet to understand the ideology behind Crowd Funding Programs of which MMM is a pioneer, while others are busy setting themselves up through Crowd Funding communities like Wealth Exchange Across the Globe, Crowd Funding has become a major means of raising money among individuals and a lot of successful Companies/Businesses have been set up via Crowd Funding.

Join Us Now!!!
Use Sponsor Name – tayo2017

What Is Wealth Exchange All About?
It is simply an online Family where people are helping each other Financially Directly with No Third Parties Involved, whatever wealth you give to someone financially grows by 40% if in Local currency or 100% if in Bitcoin in 30 days(Provide wealth in Bitcoin is coming soon!!!). In Wealth Exchange you are not required to pay any money for registration i.e. Registration is FREE, there is NO CENTRAL ACCOUNT where people are required to pay money to. All you have to do is to make a Pledge of an amount you wish to provide as Wealth in the Community, you remain with your money and wait patiently till you are paired with another Participant who needs the wealth you are offering, then you give the wealth directly to that Participant with no third party involved. The same way on the 30th day when you request for wealth from the community, you will be paired with another participant in the community who pays directly to you. Example. You give wealth of 1,000 to a Participant, on the 30th day you receive wealth of 1,400 if wealth was given in your local currency or 2000 if wealth was given in Bitcoin.

Join Us Now!!!
Use Sponsor Name – tayo2017

Will Wealth Exchange Last? YES, Wealth Exchange WILL LAST FOREVER, before I proceed to telling you why it will last forever, I will like to take you back to what a community like this is all about. A Mutual Aid/Crowd Funding Community is NOT (1.) A Business (2.) A Loan (3.) A Networking Business (Where you must invite someone to join before you make money), All three (3) mentioned above are not what we are talking about here. Mutual Aid / Crowd Funding Community is a Community that depends on its Participants to last forever. To last forever, all participants have to be active knowing fully well that they will make 40% or 100% every 30days.
Join Us Now!!!
Use Sponsor Name – tayo2017

Wealth Exchange will stand test of time for the following reasons;

1. Limited Guider/Manager& Limited downline earnings: In this system/community we very much understand the importance of guiders/managers in the area of rapid community growth, social responsibilities and people management, therefore we have made a very limited space for guiders who will be at the fore front of promoting the community. We also understand the impact of the huge amount of wealth that is involved to sustain the Get Wealth requests of these guiders as a result of their long chain of dowliners, which is why we have also drastically reduced the chain of earnings to only the 3rd generation and also their potential percentage earnings to 3%, 2% & 1% respectively.

2. Re-Commitment: All Modern Mutual Aid Platforms have adopted this Re-commitment Pattern, this makes it Last forever. This is a Community of active people, any account with no active Pledge / Request to Provide Wealth is blocked on the 3rd day of being idle. Communities like this last forever as long as everyone keeps participating. If you are no longer participating, your account will be blocked on the 3rd day of being idle. This is to stop people from being idle and busy cashing out their referrals or guider bonuses. We believe its better you leave the community and loose uncashed referral bonuses than to remain idle in the community and busy cashing out money when you are not participating anymore.

All users have Profile Pictures so you will see picture of who you are donating to, this creates a pure social atmosphere and gives you rest of mind that you are actually helping a fellow Human being.

4. No Cheating/Trying to be smart: There is no Room for anyone to throw in Huge cash, the Maximum Wealth to give is 2million, everyone is supposed to participate with spare money Huge Millions are not Spare money, some cheats tend to throw in huge cash in Hundreds of millions at once and when they cash out they don’t participate anymore not knowing they have destabilized the Community (They See it as a Business Opportunity to make millions in 30days). Wealth Exchange has blocked that by setting a limit for amount of wealth to provide. A lot of Mutual Aid platforms closed as a result of this but it has been controlled on Wealth Exchange by setting the Provide wealth limit to 2million for local currency.

5. No Issue of Fake POP: We have successfully figured out the reason why people upload fake proof of payment and have dealt with it 100% on this platform. In most crowd funding sites, participants tend to play smart by recycling same money on the system in order to earn larger percentages in short period of time and by so doing, when they are eventually matched by the system to provide wealth and their previous Get Wealth orders has not been fully paid, they now tend towards uploading fake POP in order to buy more time. In this system we will continually adjust the number of times you can PW and GW within the period of 30 days also giving some time intervals in days for unforeseen delays in receiving wealth. This adjustments will eventually ensure that participants receives their previous Get Wealth orders before they can receive any more Provide Wealth orders.

6. Security: The Website is SSL Protected (https), it is also hacker proof. Once your Bank Account Details/ Bitcoin details are entered once, they stay there permanently cannot be changed by anyone including you. To change you need to contact support. So if anyone stills your password to wait in the maturity of your money he will grow old waiting because he cannot change the receiving account
Join Us Now!!!
Use Sponsor Name – tayo2017

How Abuja big babe enlarged her back and front without going for surgery

This is a sponsored post..
I am so happy to be finally free from Small Boobs and Flat Butt without doing any surgery implants after several years of battling with it... Read till the end to find out what i used that set me Free and how you can get it too.
Dear Friend,
After reading this you will be glad you did.
No more yash pad, no bra pad and I can wear my bikini as I wish
My Name is Bisola. Those in Abuja will know me as Lady B

 I never really thought I could have a nice admirable boobs and butt because I have tried to get a larger and curvy shape with so many enlargement products I found online/offline, and none could offer me even a little of what I desired most.

When I heard some people saying that the charm of a woman is in her shape I never really believed it, Packaging has really been working for me but always end at embarrassment. Iam 26 and my breasts was so small as that of a 14 year old girl and my hips and butt were nothing to write about, I had three heartbreaks because I had a figure 0 shape, I was just straight and I really felt bad about that.

 I wasted so much money trying to find a solution but all failed. I can recall I spent as low as N1,500 to as high as N49,500 on various enhancement,enlargement creams, products and solutions etc. I decided to wear double foam bra and nyash pad, I went out with some friends for a drink after packaging myself, we were dancing and having fun only for a stranger to tell me that my nyash pad had shifted, I was so embarrassed, I left the venue without informing my friends, I gave up becauseall never worked to my expectations until…..

I found a Solution...

You might have heard of the enlargement cream called Bella breast enhancement cream and wondered if it really works. This enhancement cream is becoming more and more popular. But does it really work? And here in this article you’re about to find out.
The constituents of this product have being duly licensed & approved by International regulatory bodies.

The name is "Bella Cream (Must Up)
As the name implies "Must Up" meaning your thing must go up.
This cream works for breast and butt enlargement,
This cream does not have any side effect
Cheaper and safer than surgery


I once shared my experiences with a friend abroad on how my little breasts and butt were causing me embarrassment; they say problem shared is half solved.
She promised to make research and get back to me and she did. At first when she Recommended Bella cream I was like “Ah all these creams I have used most of them”  I didn’t want to get fake here so I asked her to help me get it and she sent me 2 tubes at the cost of 45 dollars (20k) each, 2 months usage. I used it for 2 months and my story changed.
Firstly I used 2 tubes on my breasts alone and got my desired result then I asked her to send me more which she did, 3 tubes did the work for my butt.
I spoke to my friend who got me the cream from India about what happened and she was so happy. I had a discussion with her about how the cream can be gotten to Nigeria as I will really love to introduce it to my friends and whoever I know that has small boobs and flat butt.
She made a call through to India with a friend who helped her with the contact of the manufacturing company few days later she was able to seal a deal with the company and she helped arranged for shipment of 200 pieces down to Nigeria.

 This is the original one as against the ones being sold for 3k, 5k, and 7k etc. I mean the one that sells for 5 to 10kk in the market. So we have... The Bella that will definitely make your small boobs and small butt Vanish in few weeks.

Bella Cream is Suitable For:
Loss of volume after breastfeeding
Enhance size of small breasts
Lifting of low breasts
Balance of asymmetrical breasts
Reduction of stretch marks
And to enlarge hips and butts


Bella Cream Must Up breast enhancement cream works by combining several well-known herbal extracts. These contain active properties which are absorbed
when the cream is applied twice daily.
Designed to follow the same kind of process which happens to the body during puberty, during which time the breasts develop and also during pregnancy when the breasts enlarge naturally. The body produces estrogen during these phases which leads to increase in breast tissue and therefore volume and firmness.
Unfortunately after pregnancy and during normal stages in life, the breast may
Lose volume or may not have developed to its fullest potential. This can lead to
Breasts lacking volume, lift, fullness and firmness.
Results vary and as such if you do not get a noticable improvement within 30 days we will happily refund 100% of the product cost. This is how confident we
are with it!



Some even start noticing the change within the first couple of weeks of using is what lovethkoka  fromkumasi Ghana said:
Noticeable change in 6 to 9weeks of application

Some users have reported back that they have increased up to 3cup sizes within 3-9months of using the product.
FRANCA from Tunisia

Want to Know why this is the Best Growthing Cream on the Market? Well unlike most creams that add only PuerariaMirifica this cream steps it up a notch and also adds many more growthing and firming ingredients.
PuerariaMirifica is an herb that is harvested in the northern parts of Thailand. It has been proven in several studies that the herb has a unique ability to naturally grow your breasts bigger. PuerariaMirifica contains naturally-occurring phyto-estrogens (miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, daidzein, genistin, genistein, β-sitosterol, etc).

Benefits Over Surgery
Non-invasive treatment
200x cheaper than surgery
    Natural look compared to implants
    No recovery time
    Bust enhances week-by-week

Some women have experienced a little tingling or soreness in the breast in the beginning. This is similar to original breast development (growing pains) and is a sign of the cream working.
It’s not like lip plumping ingredients that temporarily swell the applied areas. This product makes your breast grow from the inside out and does it naturally.

Natural features of BELLA must up cream.
•  Balance estrogen levels, ease cramps and alleviates pms symptoms.
• Natural post menstrual hormone therapy
• Uses plant based phytoestrogens
• Contains ingredients that prevents and treats breast cancer
• Stimulate new cell growth with maximum 6 to 9 months increase in inches.

"Here's is the best part"
This product is safe and the results are real and permanent!

Apart from that, there are no reported negative side effects and there shouldn't be after all, these herbal ingredients have been safely used for centuries to help women around the world.

Correct Massage Techniques:
Step 1: Spread the cream to the breast all around, but avoid contacting the nipple.
Step 2: The body slightly to bend down, both hands pat the breast base, and upwardly pushes 10 times of each.
Step 3: Pushes from the armpit to the cleavage 10 times of each.
Step 4: With the middle finger and the ring finger, pulls several times of the chest ligament, is helpful to strength the breast and enhancement.
1) During the first week of using, massage twice a day in the morning and at night.
2) It is more effective to use the cream after taking a bath.
3) When your bust becomes fuller, remember to wear bras that fit and massage your bust every day.

2 tubes give desire result for breast enlargement
3 tubes give desire result for butt enlargement
Here is How to get Bella Must up Cream I Used...
This Bella enlargement cream comes in 1 month treatment, 2 months treatment and 3 months treatments so you can purchase any of the Treatment.
1month for trial, 2months for breast enlargement and 3months for butt enlargement.

The 1 Month Treatment ...

1 Month Treatment (1 tube) = N10,000
(instead of the normal N15,000)

The 2 Months Treatment

N17,000 Instead of N20,000
As you can see above, if we are to calculate the cost of the 2 Months Treatments (2 tubes), the value is N20,000. That's not a big money for those who know what it means to have Flat back and front. I can recall I spent N45,500 on a product that didn't give me desired result. This definitely gives result!
You will only have to pay N17,000
The 3 Months Treatment Pack ...

3 Months Treatment (3 Tubes) = N25,000 (instead of the normal N30,000)

Take action today,while stock last and be glad you did in few weeks from now
Note again, 1 month treatment is just a trial package so don’t expect to see result.
You are advice to use 2 months treatment for breast enlargement and 3 months treatment for hips/butt enlargement

How to Order:
Cash on delivery to every location (CoD):
(We send you the product, you get it and pay the delivery person)

If you reside in any of the major cities across the country, and you're really serious about ordering, making yourself available and claiming your order, you can place your order now, we bring it in 24 - 48 Hours and you pay the delivery person.

To use this option, quickly send us the following details via text message to 08100746733
* Item Name: (Bella Cream, The Monthly Treatment you're ordering e.gBELLA CREAM 3 Month Treatment)

* Your Full Name
* Your Phone Number ( Provide 2 numbers if available)
* Full Address ( Home Or Office, we deliver to anywhere you want )
* When You Need The Item To be Deliver To you ( DATE)
Send This Information to 08100746733

NOTE: Your address Must Include Local Government and State. Detailed enough to make it traceable by our courier company that will come around to deliver to you.

Once we receive your Text Message, Our Agent Will Put A Call Across to you!

Once confirmed, we shall hand the product over to our delivery person. The Delivery Person shall package the product and shall be delivered to your doorsteps Within 24 - 48 Hours of ordering by our delivery agent.

PS: We understand the importance of PRIVACY. We shall package this product very well and no-one else but you will understand what this package is all about
Make sure you pick calls and your phone must be On.
Without the confirmation Call, We are not going to process your order.
Make Sure your phone is on always Please.

How To Pay the Delivery Person once he delivers the item to you:
1. You Can Pay him with Cash ( That is , you can give the money to him)
1. You can do an online or mobile transfer to the bank account he will give to you.
If you would love to buy in bulk to resell (10pieces and above), you may ring us on 08100746733 to get the reseller price.
Note: To enjoy the reseller's price, you must buy from 10pieces and above.

Thank you for your time and trust.

Song goddess, Amaikah & Mr Flavour N'abania release Ikud official video... watch & download

Astounding delectable and sultry singer, Amaikah aka song goddess has staged an inescapable comeback with a smashing new tune and a video “IKUD” (Tortoise) featuring Africa’s finest live singer, Mr Flavour N’abania.

The talented Akwa- Ibom born songstress, Amaikah did had some amazing success story having taped the soundtrack of the award winning Nollywood series “Lekki Wives” and Moonlight tales amongst many. She has been tipped as the next big female to do great and exceptional exploit from Nigeria with her enigmatic stage craftsmanship and sonorous voice after the export of Yemi Alade.

The song IKUD by Amaikah featuring Flavour is a melodious Afro-life tune infused with a folk chorus and complemented with the touching audible bars of the very creative and award-winning Guitarist “Fiokee” @fiokee.

IKUD is mixed and mastered by @one_pluselijah while its video was shoot and directed by @AvalonOkpe for your delighting.

Happy viewing!!!

You can follow @officialamaikah on Instagram and twitter.


Dubai: COZA worship

Join the Gathering of Champions from all Nations this Friday (17th FEB. 2017) at #COZADubai (Diamond Ballroom, The Address, Dubai Mall) in an atmosphere of worship, word & wonder from 5 - 7PM.
#Dubai #MyDXB #MyDubai #DXBLife #DubaiLife #DubaiEvents #UAE #DubaiMall #DubaiFountain #AtTheTop #AtTheTopBurjKhalifa #UAEOne #Doha #AbuDhabi #DubaiOffers #COZADubai

Lookbook Newcomer Lovelabel by Ife debuts 'Black Fusion' Collection


Lovelabel by Ife shows Bohemian inspired pieces with debut collection tagged 'Black Fusion'

The newcomer rings in fierce, African and chic with sheer floor length lacy numbers, leather-tulle mix pieces crafted in skater bustier, A-line minis for the first ever collection done in time to celebrate Valentine's week.

Lovelabel by Ife debuts 'Black Fusion' Collection

Balloon sleeves, tiered flared sleeves, cold shoulder, embellished necklines were some of the details used on the pieces in the collection tagged 'Black Fusion'.
The collection takes inspiration from the African style lover taking major cue from Afrocentric and Bohemian styles. The brand  made a case for the "strong, sexy, independent and driven woman's atmosphere with textured lace fabric, variating V necklines, frills, and feminine curves". 

Lovelabel by Ife debuts 'Black Fusion' Collection

"The fashion house is kicking off with a change the game theme called; Black fusion, taking out the expected colour for Valentine, replacing hot red with sizzling, sexy, melanin fuelled and classy black in spirit of black culture month" the brand revealed about switching looks up in black.
The brand's creative director; Ife Olumeku "is the bohemian influenced, Afrocentric fashionista behind this fast rising clothing line. She is a hands-on tailor-couturier, well travelled which has taken over this Valentine Spring outfits influenced by various cultures from across the world (from  the Asian Kimono to the American All stars, to the Caribbean frills and the English corset and roses, all woven into the modern African woman's fashion sense" the brand noted in an email.
Photography- Isaiah
Muse- Tarere Obaigbo
Creative Director- Melagie

Love Is In The Air and This Year’s Valentine Is Blue

The history of Valentine’s Day is obscure, and further clouded by various fanciful legends. Over the centuries, the holidays evolved, and by the 18th century, gift giving and exchanging handmade cards on Valentine’s Day had become common.
February has long been a month of romance. It is the month associated with Valentine’s Day celebrations. Valentine’s Day may fell like a holiday forced on us by the greeting card, jewellery. But the truth is that we have accepted it because we recognize and value its purpose.
Love that never inspires romance is stagnant and stale. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to ignite existing relationships with romance and love with an added dose of romance and fashion yes! Fashion, will result in a stronger and satisfying relationship.
Fashion online presents “MY BLUE VALENTINE”. Red has always been the colour tagged with this celebration. This year fashion online flips the button a notch by introducing blue.
Blue is the favourite colour of all people. Its natures colour for water and the sky, but is rarely found in fruits. Blue has more complex and contradictory meanings than any other colour.
These can be easily explained by its shades. The colour blue ranks so high as a favourite colour that can’t go wrong when used; it is sharply refracted by the eyes. It exhibits inner security and confidence.
With rising number of fashion designer and fashion shows, it is obvious that the fashion industry in Nigeria has grown immensely. People are showing more interest and love in it.
So as an online fashion PR and marketing firm we are dedicating two issues of this online magazine every year to this industry. As always, we go beyond the obvious to deal with issues facing the fashion and textile industry by creating original content that suits this modern day and age and our cover subject captures this perfectly.

Blue Valentine Magazine Credits
Editor: Daniel Ojes
Creative Art Director: Daniel Ojes
Associate Art Director: Victor Anunobi
Editorial Creative Director and Stylist: Fayosola Aina
Creative Make Up Artist: Gift Francis for Proteus Vanity
Designer: Titi Macaulay
Accessories: Phavour Accessories
Shoes: Desire1709
Web Production: Abraham Ojes
Circulation: Fashion Online Nigeria

Tonto Dikeh's husband, Churchill's PA Rosy Meurer releases stunning new photos

Rosy is the lady accused by people close to the actress of dating Churchill, something she's since denied, but why not take advantage of the attention? :-). See more photos after the cut...

Be part of the 1,000 entrepreneurs to receive funding from AYEEN 2017

The Africa's Young Entrepreneurs Empowerment Nigeria (AYEEN) is back again this year with much more benefits for you. Registration is now open! Don't procrastinate!.According to Victor Kiam "Procrastination is opportunity's assassin"

The organisation whose primary focus remains facilitating the development of start-ups and emerging businesses with funds to stimulate their business operations has decided to increase the pool of beneficiaries this year. In 2016, five hundred beneficiaries were awarded monies in the tune of millions of Naira.
Most beneficiaries had their businesses in Agriculture, E-commerce, Technology, Education, Manufacturing and Food Processing.The call to entry for AYEEN 2017 has begun and we bet you do not want to miss this lifetime opportunity to pitch your idea before a well sort panel of experienced and international judges. The states in focus for the regional screening will be Lagos, Abuja, Enugu, Calabar, Asaba and Kaduna. 

The empowerment program recognised as one of the biggest in Africa and rumoured as the largest will take 
three phases: Pitching of ideas, Entrepreneurs profiling and finally, Beneficiary awards. The qualified entrepreneurs will articulate their ideas for a chance to win grants, single digit interest loans, business makeovers, financial analysis, coaching and mentoring. The peculiarity of the program is, there is no ultimate winner rather there are 1000 winners.
Africa's Young Entrepreneurs since inception has been a tool of advancement to Nigerian entrepreneurs with over 1.4m A.Y.E Members who are entrepreneurs from start ups to large turn-over SME's. A.Y.E is pushing the frontiers in recognising and showcasing entrepreneurs in their respective sectors. 

Building sustainable enterprise is one of the core objectives of Africa's Young Entrepreneurs.

Register now by clicking and follow the step by step prompts. 

For further information or partnership in different categories, send a mail to or call 070 00 44 44 44

See below for testimonial videos of past beneficiaries
Open this:
Open this:

Introducing new voice of Afrobeats Deji Abdul | New single lifestyle drops Friday 17th Feb

 Deji Abdul is a Nigerian artist/singer-songwriter. A new sound in the music industry, this young man has a very unique voice that serenades any listener instantly as it’s never been heard before.

 He possesses a calm voice with an extensive vocal range and harmonies. Deji has been singing since a tender age and has also won “THE BEST VOICE CATEGORY” twice in his Secondary School Class Talent Competition. He was also a member of his school choir in year 9 of secondary school.
This young man does not only take music serious, he believes that education is very important. He recently obtained his Masters from Warwick University (UK) following a First Class Degree.

Deji’s sound is a mixed blend of R&B, AFROBEATS and AFROSOUL. His very first song titled “Hold You Down” was released in late 2016 with a stream of almost 33,000 on Soundcloud, caused quite a stir in the industry. He has supported artists with the likes of Maleek Berry, Eugy, Mayorkun and Dremo as an opening/support act. He has since raised his profile in the UK.

He is a student of old school 90s R&B music and artists such as Ginuwine, Usher, Jodeci and Aaliyah to name a few. He draws inspiration from the likes of Partynextdoor, powerful vocalist The Weeknd, as well as Bryson Tiller and of course Wande Coal, Maleek Berry and Juls.

Deji Abdul aims to deliver good music to make everyone happy as well as unite the world with quality AFROBEATS music and to ensure AFROBEATS as well as R&B remain on the map. He is going to change the face of music.

His latest effort “Lifestyle” drops February 17th with his third single “Lagos to Capetown” shortly after.

When Deji is not in the studio recording new music, he likes to keep busy with other fitnesss rellated activities. This talented artist is also a fitness model who enjoys boxing
Follow him on social media:

Soundcloud: dejiabdul
Twitter: @king_dej_

Instagram: @king_dej

Listen to Hold You Down here:

Lifestyle comes out Friday!
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