Thursday, February 9, 2017

What is misophonia?

Misophonia? Have you ever thought that your negative emotions and feelings can have scientifically proven name? In addition to this, scientists have conducted misophonia research study and found out misophonia cure or some kind of a relief to misophonia disease.
What is misophonia?
What is misophonia?
This article will be useful for those who have an itch to find misophonia relief.
Misophonia Definition!
So, what is Misophonia? It is a psychological intolerance to a range of sounds which occur in our surroundings. Fortunately, precisely because of its psychological component, this sound sensitivity disease is easier to cure than, for example, constant noise in the ears.
What is misophonia?
Misophonia research study
Unfortunately, today due to its novelty, the disease has not been studied in detail. Though, it was revealed that only certain unbearable sounds from the environment can cause an unexplained outbreak of uncontrolled anger. This is so-called selective sound sensitivity syndrome.
The term "misophonia" was introduced by Paul Hawks from Emory University, who has studied this phenomenon, along with an expert in the field of audiology Marcia Johnson. She found out that many people have an aversion to certain sounds, especially those that are inevitable during a meal. First, she defined this state as "sensitivity to soft sound".
misophonia symptoms
What is misophonia?
There isn’t an accurate data on the number of people suffering from misophonia. But we can assume that this phenomenon is much more common than it seems to be. Last year specialists from the University of South Florida - Monica Wu and Eric Storch conducted a study involving 483 students - 20% of them had signs of misophonia. However, the representativeness of the group is questionable: more than 80% were women, plus all participants were promised extra credit in psychology.
Experts say that origins of this disease should looked for at the neurobiological level, where there is some predisposition, which leads to misophonia symptoms - such aggressive behavior.
chewing misophonia?
What is misophonia?
Incredible sensitivity to sound
Misophonia may occur not only due to the fact that the neighbor behind the wall will begin to organize disco party at midnight. People, suffering from hypersensitivity to sound, could get colleagues with violent cough, chewing misophonia, eatig misophonia or the sound of turning pages.
Misophonia disorder causes significant changes in the individual's life style. Suffering from misophonia people almost unconsciously are trying to shut out all noise of the outside world. It is not an exaggeration to say that misophonia leads to constant desire to be alone with yourself.

As it has already been mentioned, doctors can not help in this situation, because misophonia diagnosis is a white spot in any medical dictionary.
anger misophonia?
What is misophonia?
Misophonia treatment
So, if you notice that your beloved person suffers or gets angry from making some sounds, try to reduce or avoid these sounds in his presence. It doesn’t matter what it is - clanking of dishes, the sound of a vacuum cleaner or your mobile phone tune.
Many people suffer from unpleasant certain sounds since childhood, for example, chalk scratch on board or the sound of chewing of food. A condition when certain sounds can literally make you crazy, is believed to be called misophonia.
This phenomenon remains incomprehensible to ordinary people. As a rule, misophonia develops during adolescence, and some sound over the time can become more and more unbearable. You can get extreme sensitivity to sound.
The sensations experienced by people with misophonia can be very unpleasant. For example, many people are attempting to get rid of nose sneezing people or chewing gum fans because this drives them round.
definition misophonia?
What is misophonia?
Because of this problem people often lose friends and often quarrel with others. There isn’t any official misophonia treatment or misophonia cure, so many people with misophonia also often have other disorders such as phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder and manic-depressive syndrome.
Speaking on misophonia causes – they aren’t investigated. Sounds unbelievable?
meaning misophonia?
What is misophonia?
Here are a few ways in which you will be able to help people suffering from misophone. Misophonia relief:
• Learn their triggering factors (annoying sounds). Talk with a close friend or colleague suffering from this syndrome, and do your best to avoid these sounds.
• Listen, sympathize. This is a very unpleasant condition and is caused by strong emotions often lead to the fact that people are mad because of the feeling of your own powerlessness, can become nervous and emotionally exhausted.
• Mind your manners. Actually it is just disgusting to hear people blowing their noses in public places, snaping their fingers or slurping chewing gum. If you have to resort to such things, please do it in the bathroom or another secluded location.
eating misophonia?
What is misophonia?
• Reassure them that on their problem appears more and more information. You can go to the doctors, there are web sites on this topic. Due to the fact that more and more people learn about this condition and tell their stories associated with it, the hope is that the misophonia disorder discussions will only expand.

We can recommend you to turn off all the annoying sounds. For example, when you go to work in noisy places (dance clubs, bowling centres), you can tend to listening to music on headphones, or installong decorative fountains or aquariums with boiling water.
chewing brick misophonia?
What is misophonia?
HYPNOSIS as a means of misophonia treatment
Hypnosis can also help you reprogram your brain and switch off inappropriate and unwanted reaction to certain sounds. Hypnosis is the most effective way to influence instinctive responses issued by your mind in response to certain external stimuli (in this case, specific sounds).
Hypnosis allows us to quickly and effectively change the associations formed in our mind, and our notions of pleasant or unpleasant sounds. Just imagine how wonderful you will feel when you can be relaxed in perceiving the sounds which earlier irritated you! You will be able to distance yourself from those sounds that really are not worth such attention.
Hope that now you see what is misophonia meaning and you have seen and noted some ways of misophonia relief and misophonia cure.

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